Top 5 Ways to Help Small Businesses Affected By Covid-19

Alice Jackson
4 min readMay 8, 2020

Since Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become a full-blown pandemic now, several restrictions have been imposed to ensure social distancing — considered as an effective measure to subside the spread of this highly-contagious virus. This unprecedented situation is not only impacting our lives but the businesses as well, especially small businesses that usually have much smaller coffers to survive such crises.

Small businesses are the very fabric of our communities; we shouldn’t let this crisis ruin them. You’ll be amazed to know how these small businesses contribute to the nation.

Some amazing facts about small businesses in the US:

· 30.2 million small businesses are running

· 55% of private jobs provided by small businesses

· 44% of the US payroll paid by small businesses

According to John Longworth, DG, British Chambers of Commerce, Small businesses are the backbone of our communities; don’t let them die.”

So if you help small businesses in any manner, you’ll be helping society indirectly. While the Federal Government of the United States of America, local governments, and financial institutions have taken several measures to help them survive, it’s admirable to see individuals and businesses alike, coming together to assist small businesses affected by Covid-19. They’re helping them in their own different ways — from offering free services to purchasing vouchers to be redeemed later. Designhill is one such company. In the wake of the coronavirus crisis, this world’s leading creative marketplace has stepped up to help not only small businesses but creative professionals as well. The company has set aside 40% of its resources for assisting these pandemic affected communities. It has launched a not-for-profit initiative through which businesses can raise the much-needed working capital by selling vouchers, coupons, or deals to their loyal customers who can redeem them later once things get better.

Additionally, this company has designed an exclusive and comprehensive microsite for artists, designers, freelancers, professionals, businesses, and general public, offering them guides and resources essential for their survival in tough times.

If you, too, want to join this noble cause, here are 5 ways to help small businesses impacted by COVID-19.

1. Shop from local businesses

Look for items that you can purchase from a business set up in your locality. Since you’re staying home with your family, you can order games or books for children and yourself. You can also buy cleaning supplies, cups, etc. from your local shops and help them survive the crisis.

2. Order takeout meal

You’re in quarantine and may have ample time to cook your own meal, but don’t forget your favorite restaurants. Check if they’re still functioning, accepting takeout orders. Give your kitchen a break and order from them, at least twice a week.

This would not only help restaurateurs survive this crisis but also their staff depending on them for their livelihood. Make sure you’re tipping them well as they’re working on the frontlines to deal with the pandemic.

You can even donate to other organizations involved in feeding the community.

3. Take to social media and spread the word about the businesses.

You probably may have plenty of leisure time these days; use this time to amplify the message about the crisis-affected small businesses in your locality. Spending some time on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or your WhatsApp groups will let people know that they’re serving.

If they’re running a promotional campaign on social channels, like, retweet, and give positive feedback. This would boost the credibility of the businesses you’re vouching for, and your loyal followers might become their loyal customers.

4. Offer free services/consultation.

You can offer your expertise free of cost. If you’re, for instance, a software developer, you can build websites (if they don’t have yet) for the companies you want to help. You can help them rank top in the SERPs, generate more leads, and increase sales if you’re into the digital marketing profession.

Similarly, other business establishments can help them by offering free consultation, and a service like Designhill is providing.

Do whatever you or your company is best positioned to offer.

5. Create a Covid resource center

If you own a website, you can help affected small businesses by efficiently communicating the current situation, opportunities, and many more.

Create a dedicated page on your website that updates small businesses on the different grants or funding opportunities provided by various financial institutions, governments, and corporate. Include articles and resources relevant to small businesses. Make sure the resource is helpful and not promotional.

Final thought

The coronavirus disease has turned into a global pandemic now and has dire consequences on business establishments, especially small businesses having very small coffers to survival crises. We should come forward and do whatever we can to save them. Volunteering our talents, monetary support, or purchasing from them — do whatever you can. Don’t forget, every bit counts!

Do you know any other ways to help small businesses affected by Covid-19? Let’s know in the comments below!

